Minimum System Requirements: Windows: 486 / 66 MHz or greater, 8 MB RAM (Prefer 16 MB RAM especially for Windows 95 users) or greater, Windows 3.1 or highter or Windows 95, QuickTime for Windows (included on the Classic Pleasures CD)., 256 color display, sound card, speakers or headphones, double-speed CD-ROM drive or faster. *** Set your monitor to 256 colors for faster playback, especially on slower machines. *** MAC: Apple Macintosh compatible computer w/ 68040 processor or higher, System 7.0 or later, 8 MB RAM or greater, double-speed CD-ROM drive, QuickTime 2.1, 256 color display. Windows users only: If you are running the Windows 3.1 version of this program you must have the 16-bit QuickTime for Windows installed on your computer in order for the video's to play. If you are running the Windows 95 version of this program you must have the 32-bit QuickTime for Windows installed. If you do not have QuickTime for Windows installed, please quit this program and install the QuickTime for Windows player, which we have included on this CD. It is located in the Qtime folder. Just double-click on the correct installer and follow the installation procedure. After you have installed the QuickTime player restart this program. Introduction: This CD is divided into three categories; "Coffee", "Cigars" and "Cognacs and Brandies". Within each of these categories there are three sections; "Valet", "All About ..." and "... of the World". Within each of the three sections are all of the subjects that relate to the category you are currently in. For example: if you are in the category "Coffee" and you choose the "Valet" section the following subjects are available: "Storing", "Grinding", "Brewing" and "Picking the Right Blend". If you are in the "Cigar" category and choose the "Valet" section the appropriate subjects are available: "Storing", "Cutting", "Lighting", "Choosing the Right Cigar" and "Aroma and Flavor". Navigation: Each of the three categories has it's own menu. Simply click on one of the three sections on that menu to display the available subjects under that section, and then click on a subject to take you there. We have created a navigation bar that will always display on the bottom of the screen in order for you to get around easily : ? takes you to the help screen Quit exits this program Menu takes you to the menu of the category you are currently in Coffee takes you to the "Coffee" menu. (only appears on Cigar and Cognac screens) Cigars takes you to the "Cigars" menu (only appears on Coffee and Cognac screens) Cognac takes you to the "Cognac and Brandies" menu (only appears on Cigar and Coffee screens) Back takes you to the previous subject in the section you are currently in. (only appears on the subject screens) Next takes you to the next subject in the section you are currently in. (only appears on the subject screens) In addition to the above navigation buttons there are Next and Previous buttons that will sometimes appear on the left side of the screen.These buttons are used only on subjects that have more then one page and allow you to flip through those pages. There are scrollable text boxes that are controlled by scroll up and scroll down buttons or arrows. In order to scroll text simply click and hold down your mouse button while over one of these buttons and the text will continue to scroll in the direction you choose. Some of the screens require you to click in different areas in order to activate text, sound, or video. If you are not sure what to click on, simply move your mouse around the screen until you see something hilite and then click on it. There are also standard video and audio buttons or icons that are described below. Video: A video will appear automatically when you enter a category (Coffee, Cigars, Cognac and Brandies) for the first time. Clicking on any of the navigation buttons will stop the video and remove it from the screen. The introduction videos will only appear the first time you enter a category. The next time you enter that category the video will not appear. All other videos are controlled by video icons that will toggle the corresponding video on and off. Audio: Clicking on the audio icons will toggle the corresponding audio on and off.